Street smart
Visitors to Barcelona this summer will be pleased to know that the local police have set up a special team to try and control the problem of snatch and run street robberies.This is a subject I try not to focus on too much (as it isn't quite in the spirit of Best of Barcelona). Nevertheless, better to be warned first.
Cuitat Vella (the old part of the city) is both the major draw for tourists and a favourite place for snatch and run attacks. The standard rules in big cities apply. Walk confidently, don't flash around cameras, money or expensive accessories (mobile phones, palm pilots, ipods, etc.) Hold onto your things, especially when sitting at tables in street side cafes. Be careful of people working in pairs - in the street, in the metro, or around tourist sites - one will try and distract you asking for something or draw your attention in some way, and the other one will rob you whilst your attention is drawn away.
As for the special squad - they have to adopt the tactics of those on the street. The smart operators dress well and go on the beat. They will wander the streets continuously waiting for the right opportunity. They will follow possible targets and wait till they reach an intersection and then they are off, with your bag, darting up a narrow alley and out of sight before you can react. A few use bicycles to try and cover more ground and surprise people in new ways. Others use mobile phones, or whistling to send signals to their mates.
In all, if the undercover police study who they are up against, they will be able to make a difference. Too many tourists end up losing something in Barcelona - not exactly a great recommendation, but hopefully after the summer campaign it will be on the decline.
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