Thursday, July 05, 2007

Bicing around Barcelona

Barcelona has a knack for taking risks that pay off. Perhaps its too early to say if the latest scheme of bicycle pooling is going to work, but in just over three months Bicing has managed to attract some 60,000 people and there is a network of bicycle racks all over the central city which members can use, virtually free of charge.
The system is easy to use, the bikes are comfortable to ride and the network of bike racks means it has suddenly become alot easier to move around the city.
Off course there are draw backs
  • all those cyclists riding the wrong way down one way streets
  • cyclists dodging pedestrians on the footpath
  • the difficulties of cycling in the city traffic
But these draw backs are more about cyclists in general in Barcelona, rather than this new system.

On the plus side
  • I no longer need to lug my bicycle up and down the stairs to a third floor apartment
  • Nor do I have to worry about my bicycle being stolen when I leave it locked to a street rack
  • And I can use a bicycle as an alternative to public transport, or a means of getting to the right metro station or bus stop faster than walking or other public transport.
Designed to encourage short trips, there is no additional charge for the first 30 minutes. The density of the inner city means many places are just a short bike ride away - which translates into making life a little bit easier.

Time will tell if the system breaks even - the maintenance costs, moving bicycles from quiet racks to busy racks and the possible losses due to theft. There are many people working on keeping the system going, and the first real test will come next year when people have to renew their membership at the full price.

The city needs more bike lanes and hopefully cyclists will learn to respect pedestrians, but so far the experience is looking very positive for the city. Who knows - in time we might be bicing in lots of cities.


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